Hack for Western Mass: What’s Next?
Thank you!
Thank you so much to everyone who made Hack for Western Mass possible. All the good stuff that came out of it would not have been possible without the work you did. It was awesome to see so many people exchanging ideas and skills, building teams and friendships, and working to make our community a better place.
Submit your project for national recognition!
Submit your projects and stories to show the national Hack for Change organizers that Western Mass has world-class civic hackers. Submitting also gives you a chance to be featured on hackforchange.org and to score an invitation to the White House in July. Did you get hooked on civic hackingthis weekend? Learn something new? What did you create, and who does it help? Stories and projects don’t have to be perfect or even finished – you can always re-submit by the end of June. But please get them in as soon as possible to make sure we’re on their radar.
Come to the follow-up event on June 26th at 7pm.
This is an opportunity to show off post-hackathon progress. We’ll gather for an informal showcase of the latest and greatest project developments. Location TBA.
Stay in touch with each other and keep on hacking!
We really hope to continue the momentum of this weekend and find more opportunities to bring people together to create awesome things that make our community better. Join this Google group to continue collaborating and to watch for announcements about future events.
Read about some great things.
Check out the “storified” stream of social media we’ve curated into a great narrative of the weekend.
More to Contribute?
Did you take photos last weekend? Add them to our flickr pool!
Like to write? Post on our blog about the weekend or put a link on twitter tagged #hfcwesternma.
Make it even better next time!
Please take our event survey and let us know what worked well and what we could do to improve things next time.
Thanks again,
The Hack for Western Mass Team
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